Konvekta systems consist of carefully designed components which are specifically developed, manufactured, and optimized as a complete system for the application.

The design and optimization software calculates the optimal configuration of all components based on the everyday use of the building, the building operating conditions, and hours 8760 climate data for the building location. In the process, precise and reliable annual energy savings are calculated.

The Konvekta Controller operates, manages, and regulates the entire energy recovery system. Based on continuously recorded system data, the actual energy recovery is continuously calculated. Aggregated data of the “Konvekta eye” as well as detailed data are precisely recorded and documented. System efficiency can be determined at any time and possible malfunctions can be identified.

Due to the unique design of Konvekta heat exchangers with headers on both sides, they are designed for almost perfect countercurrent flow and guarantee the highest heat recovery figures with minimum space requirements.

The hydraulic assembly contains all essential hydraulic components as a single, compact, factory-tested unit. All components are dust and splash proof in an open design for easy access. Redundant pumps are alternated asymmetrically and the touch panel allows local control and monitoring of the system.