When the Konvekta ERS is in heating mode, waste heat from building sources such as water-cooled lab equipment and server rooms, can be injected into the water/glycol loop and used to enhance to heating power of the ERS. During this time, the operation of the chiller can be eliminated which saves electricity.
The Konvekta ERS is able to transfer energies between exhaust air and supply air. It allows excess heat to be made available to other users through the water/glycol loop. It also allows waste heat from other systems to be dissipated or reused so that chillers do not have to be used at all, or only to a very reduced extent. In order to achieve this, the Konvekta Controller determines how much waste heat is available at every operating point and selects the most economical operating option.
Waste heat from water-cooled lab equipment or server rooms can be used to heat outside air while providing free cooling of the equipment. By utilizing both aspects of free cooling, the overall efficiency of the ERS is increased.